I'm excited to have the opportunity to share at #ISTE17 this year in San Antonio, TX! Hope to see you there.
Move Forward with Flipping: Regain your Class Time for Deeper Learning
[Standard submission: Workshop] Sunday, June 25, 8:30 am–3:30 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time)
Flipping your classroom allows you to regain classtime to focus on supporting learners in a more individualized way and deepening the learning experience to focus on higher-level thinking activities. This workshop will set you up for flipping success, and you’ll leave with lesson(s) mapped out, ready to implement. |
The Power of Reflective Coaching
[Standard submission: Lecture] Monday, June 26, 12:00–1:00 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time)
Co-presenting with Michelle Ciecek
Coaching is a form of ongoing, job-embedded professional development that supports teachers on a reflective journey to becoming artful practitioners. Attendees will leave with a plethora of ideas and resources from our evolving coaching model to take back to their sites and districts to implement their own. |
Come with Flippin’ Questions, Get your Flippin’ Answers!
[Standard submission: Accepted BYOD] Tuesday, June 27, 4:45–5:45 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time)
Co-presenting with Kate Baker
Trying to wrap your head around effectively implementing flipped learning strategies with your students? Experience flipping firsthand in an inquiry-based flipped lesson and interactive session focused on answering your flipping questions about Flip 101, Explore-Flip-Apply, Mastery Flip, and more! This session is 100% designed around YOUR questions! |