Monday, May 28, 2012

End-of-Year Student Interviews (Part 2, Videos 5-13)

For Students #1-4, see post here.

I asked my students the following questions about the Flipped Classroom.  Here is a sneak peek from the first students to jump on the opportunity to interview :)  I will be recording the rest of the students in the next 2-3 weeks as we head into summer break and be posting more videos as they get recorded.

Eventually, I will be putting the videos all together to make a montage of my students to show at the beginning of next year.

Questions answered (in order, in case you just are interested in certain questions):

  1. What is the Flipped Classroom?
  2. What is the best part about the Flipped Classroom?
  3. What part of the Flipped Classroom this last year was most beneficial to you as a student?
  4. What is a WSQ?  What does it look like at home and what do you do with it in class?
  5. Give advice to a student on how to get the most out of the lecture videos.
  6. Give advice to a student on how to get the most out of in class time.
  7. Give advice on using the WSQ charts to a future student.
  8. Give advice on how to succeed in the Flipped Classroom in general to a future student. 
  9. Give advice to students next year on how to get along well with Mrs. Kirch and succeed in her class, flipped or not.
If something my students say really stands out to you, please comment about it by Student # and question/time in video.  Since I will be merging these all together, I will be starting to identify which portions I really want to put together in the final viewing.  I will be adding my thoughts to each video as well. 

Kirch Comments: good answers, but not sure if I will use any of hers in the final product.
Kirch Comments: good answers, but not sure if I will use any of his in the final product.
Kirch Comments: I really like her entire interview... I will probably use most of her clips.

Kirch Comments: Argh I dislike that this student defines a Flipped Classroom as "a video"... exactly what I'm trying to get AWAY from.  I hope to do a much better job of this next year!  I do like Question #6, 7, 8, and parts of 9.

Kirch Comments: I like questions 3, 5, 6, 8, 9. I love the comment about having to call her mom in the middle of the day.

Kirch Comments: Good answers, but I'm not sure I'll use any of hers in the final...

Kirch Comments: I like #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (hilarious), 9

Kirch Comments: I like parts of #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #8 (especially the "give it a chance"), #9 (take responsibility - don't rely on me for everything!)

Kirch Comments: Parts of #1, #2 (student in control of learning), #3 (learn at own pace), #4 (pieces; her response is fairly long), #5 (good tips), #6 (student responsible, organized, learn priorities), #7 (good tips), #8 (focus on group dynamic), #9 (integrity)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the quick summary of each of the videos. It helped me to pick the few that I did watch. I've been making notes on my blog to help plan for next year, and the WSQ model is something I'm trying to define better for myself. I like the concept of a guided summary for students who may not know how to summarize. Do you have a general set of steps that you offer to them, or is is specific for every video?
    What really hit me was the comment by a couple of them saying that you have to watch the videos when you're not tired, and "don't text while watching the video"... such teenagers!
    As always, thanks for the insight!


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