
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Reflections on Week 9.5 (Spring Break!)

It's been a great week to just take a break, relax, and enjoy time with friends and family.  
I love what I do, and I don't see most of it as "work".
I enjoy curriculum planning. 
I enjoy making videos. 
I enjoy blogging.
I guess I've found the right career since it never really seems like work to me!

Since we didn't have school this week, this won't be a normal "reflection" post.  However, I did want to reflect on a few things I posted this week:

I finally got all caught up on my test scores and data collection.  I love that I am seeing the "quantitative" improvement in achievement scores in addition to the "qualitative" feedback I am getting from students.  One of the biggest questions my staff asked me in January when I presented the "flipped classroom" to them was "What data do you have that shows this works?".  At the time, I didn't have any numbers.  Now I do, and I love it!

Algebra 1 Chapter 9 test score data
Math Analysis Unit P test score data
Math Analysis Unit Q test score data

I try to post the "qualitative" comments on a weekly basis (see some previous posts here: Week 8, Week 9, thoughts on new things I tried during week 8/9 here, here, and here.)

Post here
The survey data was finally "closed" for collection (although the survey link is still open if you'd like to add your information!  I have a ton more to add to it, but there's lots of great stuff there already in addition to hundreds of connections you can make with other "flipping" teachers.

Post here
I finally had to get out my frustrations with critics of the flipped classroom.  And, of course, why I think the flipped classroom is amazing.  "Don't criticize until you try"


#2 essay written by Ariana           

I asked my students to reflect a little on the flipped classroom with a cartoon, essay, or video.  Here are two of the submissions I received from my students.

#FLIPCLASS chat from 4/2/12

I missed the chat again on Monday since I was traveling back home from a mini-vacation.  But, the discussion seemed to be great and here are a few of my thoughts.

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